Monday, May 9, 2011


1) The stock agencies make a mention that do not upload sunset or flower photographs...My meaning to say this is that these two subjects are more photographed and agencies have plenty of them....Anyhow my concern here is to show u sunset in a different perspective, because most sunset photographs are shot keeping the sun direct in the camera, and if a lake is there, the reflection within it, beautifying otherwise the monotonous sunset. Here with the above picture in mind, my intention was to shoot the sun in confinement, with reflection in the lake. Moreover a good addition in sunset photographs are clouds, which were absent when I shot this. There were so many trees around and it was a joy to take as many sunsets as possible, which I did...Yes here I am...I was some 1 kilometer from the sun on a road with 300mm lens on my DCAM...I found good silhouettes of plants, trees when viewed through viewfinder. So here is one picture I caught when we started in the car and I was at rear seat, as the scene came around, I clicked a second beforehand in Aperture priority mode and luckily I got sun correctly placed with horizon too in good position. I liked the multiple of branches and leaves on the tree,making a good it was a good moment for me and may be for you too, when you go to shoot more of sunsets.

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