Monday, April 18, 2011


Yes guys may ask u 'in which paper this will be published'...Cautioned by many factors I carry a office bag 10" long with 3 pockets, one used to keep a prosumer and a p&s or a DSLR with 70-300 and p&s in my pocket. The cam bag,camera,lens all black, so less inhibitions,generally keeping distance, mixing when children are pleased...p&s, i use stucking to my chest,stomach and shooting just pointing not letting them know the shutter is pressed and taking many shots,so get few useful..For hiding, a car is best solution, where there is no rush, better if someone else driving and u at rear seat. If anybody finds shooting and annoyed, better leave the place....I do not get came-bag companies angry, since they are making wonderful/versatile bags, good for vacations, functions, weddings, but not for places like small hutments,walking on road,cautious with thieves, public buses,local trains, gardens, where u need not sit and open the gorgeous bag with costly equipments sitting before the standing people around or passers-by...making a show.

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