Monday, July 28, 2008


TIME is the coin of your life and u can only know how to spend it. otherwise, u will lose and others will spend. but time is an expected other terms. and if u use juduciously, u can be a good earner of money.........suppose if u misuse ur time, u lose the chances of further adding to your income.
FOR example, if u lose 1 hour daily, through which u could earn $50, that clearly means that u are losing $18,250 in a year......................2 hours wasted in a day means losing $36500 in a year. ....................and we do not expect that u would like so big amount to lose in a year.................u can find out ways how to earn and save this much money...........and that is the way to hard work. find out ways with full honesty without harming others. this is your capability which will reveal the creativity in u. ..............and sooner or later, u will be a good earner, without wasting your ego and self-esteem.