Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Here in the position of the car, the light is low because of clouds and adjacent trees...Yes low lighting is tricky and challenging. U need to apply all ur understanding to find out the right exposure without missing ur subject from clicking..U may encounter low light situations when photographing cityscapes in the evening, during rains with heavy clouds or in dusk and night time. Besides this may happen in private lowlit parties and events....THE LIGHT WILL NEED BIGGER APERTURE to allow maximum of light to pass thru camera to sensor....If this does not work and u get still underexposed photos, try to decrease the shutter speed to low which because of dull light, may be at lower side. Here, u will require a tripod. the most essential help in trouble....The other thing remains to satiate ur desire to capture the low light photograph, is to increase the ISO setting on the camera...This will increase chances of u getting more slower shutter speed for perfect exposures....therefore u can come home with some good stuff....In the photo of the car above, i used evaluative metering which read most of the light falling on the car body, then i did one stop minus exposure compensation to have subdued whites.

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