Monday, August 2, 2010


IT is interesting to photograph in rains. It is a different sort of feeling holding camera during rains, hiding yourself in some shop, bus stand or ant protective where your equipments are safe. Since the atmosphere may go darker, u wud need slower shutter speeds. Therefore, it is essential to avoid camera shakes and improper focusing.U will have to use a UV filter over the lens to protect the lens from rain drops and then getting it scratched while wiping out rain drops. A good filter is ND filter when it is raining and light is brighter to use it to get slower shutter speeds. Rain photographs need not be restricted to rainshowers only....u can shoot ripples and coronets that are formed when rain water hits the ground/roads.
2. The light during rain is so low, that u may need to increase the ISO during daytime too. This will add noise to the photograph. I think noise is a part of a photograph...u can use noise to your advantage converting images to b&w.
3. The above photo i shot from the windscreen of my car, while it was drizzling. You can view the light reflection of scooter on the road and the distorted lamp post because of slipping water on the glass, with more diffusing effects. This is an example. finding out possibilities is endless.

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