Tuesday, February 2, 2010


THE EASIEST OF THE TARGET OF THE CAMERA ARE THE INNOCENT CHILDREN...they are around u, in home, on streets....and i feel, it is one of the most pleasurable moment for the photographer to click them.......few days back i was passing thru a village, where i wanted to capture a small girl of 9 yrs.....but on looking at the camera, she ran away....the girl from poor farmers' family....then my wife offered some money....she was clever enough...said she ''give me the money, but do not take photo....she came 3-4 times near the car for money, but as i raised the camera, she ran away....however, i managed to get one shot, but since the camera was on average metering, the image underexposed, being backlighted....

2.Anyhow, i enjoyed shooting these three children on the stage in a programme...they are more curious...though they know that they are being photographed....but their emotions are wonderful...they represent flowers here and as i raised the camera, they expressed themselves, which amused the audience. I got my shot...thank u little ones...long live ur innocence.

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