Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Water is perhaps one of the most commonly photographed subjects -from waterfalls to ripples, waves, reflections, rivers, lakes, sea and so much more.

2. U can be extremely creative to exposures to bring out different images--use short exposures to freeze water in motion- unexpected shapes and droplets will reveal themselves...

3. In daylight add a Neutral Density filter to increase exposure times and give moving water a glossy marble effect....At dusk or night, u can achieve similar effects without the filter....

4. Try different shutter speeds to control the amount of effect u will achieve....U CAN CHOOSE COMPOSITIONS AND VANTAGE POINTS THAT WILL MAKE IT look like a water is coming right out of the image....Don't ignore rivers and falls in winter, when freezing temperatures turn swirling flows into excellent frozen shapes......The techniques are not difficult, but need some practise before venturing into thr job...

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