Monday, February 7, 2011

Water-proof camera from Kodak

Kodak is a pioneer company for photography products since its inception. Amongst the chain of digital cameras, Kodak has come out with the cheapest of water-proof camera, Easyshare Sport, which has 12 MP, 5x digital zoom and 2.4 in LCD screen. The camera shoots photographs underwater as deep as 10ft, featuring Company's smart capture technology. The camera is to launch in March 2011, & will cost $79.95 (Rs.3625)breaking the myth that only costly cameras can shoot underwater photography. By look, it is a compact P&S design camera. Lens aperture is yet to be announced, though it will not disappoint the user as there is sufficient reflective life during day time under the water. Hope many will enjoy and many may look skeptically because of cost and p&s factor. However enthusiasts can keep as a backup camera in underwater photography.....(photo courtsey BP Mag).